Channel: BlazeTV
Category: News & Politics
Tags: the blaze tvpoliticsconservativesupreme courtstu burguierejosh hammeralito leakleakedabortion leakamericaalitoroevwadeleakroe leakpolitical newsblazedoesthe blazedraft rulingconservative commentaryjusticeroe v wadesamuelroe vs wadeblaze tvthe constitutionnewsblaze mediaroe v wade leakaffectsroe vs. wadetheblazeamericansnewsweekblazetv youtubesturoe v. wadeblazetvburguierewomen's rightsjosh hamer
Description: It might have been a blessing in disguise that Justice Samuel Alito's draft ruling leaked. Everyone's talking about Roe v. Wade and what is and isn't in the Constitution. Josh Hammer from Newsweek talks to Stu Burguiere about what the Constitution actually says and how the big leak affects the Supreme Court. We're all talking about the Constitution lately. Is this the end of women's rights or an awakening of freedom loving Americans? Josh and Stu try to sort it all out. WATCH more Stu Does America: #blazetv #studoesamerica #scotusleak ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! ► Join BlazeTV! ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: Connect with us on Social Media: